Photographs - Barnum Museum

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    Photograph: Caroline Barnum Thompson as an older woman
    Photograph: Charity Barnum (Mrs. P. T. Barnum) wearing ringlets, and crossed white collar
    1868-01-01 - 1873-12-31
    Photograph: Charles S. Stratton, full length portrait against a plain background
    1865-01-01 - 1875-12-31
    Photograph: Full length portrait of Minnie Warren
    Photograph: Full-Length Portrait of P.T. Barnum, holding a top hat and walking stick
    Photograph: General Tom Thumb (Charles S. Stratton) as Napoleon
    Photograph: Julia Hurd, Barnum granddaughter, wearing a red cloak
    Photograph: Jumbo the elephant, dead on the railroad tracks
    Photograph: Lindencroft under the ownership of the Bassick family
    Photograph: M. Lavinia Warren and Primo Magri outside their home
    1890-01-01 - 1899-12-31
    Photograph: M Lavinia Warren and Primo Magri with Warren's nephew holding both their hands
    1917-01-01 - 1917-12-31
    Photograph: Older Charles S. Stratton and M. Lavinia Warren, linked arms
    Photograph: Portrait of P. T. Barnum with cane in hand from the 1880s
    Photograph: Portrait of seven of P.T. Barnum's grandchildren and great grandchildren
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum, Nancy Fish-Barnum, and other Bridgeport citizens in Fortress Monroe, VA
    1860-01-01 - 1865-12-31
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum's Grave at Mountain Grove Cemetery
    1893-01-01 - 1893-12-31
    Photograph: The Lilliputian Card Game (owned by the Barnum Museum)
    1863-01-01 - 1870-12-31


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