Photographs - Barnum Museum

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    Photograph: Portrait of Southworths, Strattons, Newell, Bumps
    1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum and extended family, 1870s
    1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum and extended family, 1870s (view 1 of 3)
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum and extended family, 1870s (view 2 of 3)
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum and extended family, 1870s (view 3 of 3)
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum holding two of his great grandchildren
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum in thick heavy coat and top hat, 1885
    1885-01-01 - 1885-12-31
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum, Nancy Fish-Barnum, and other Bridgeport citizens in Fortress Monroe, VA
    1860-01-01 - 1865-12-31
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum with beard, holding his namesake grandchild
    Photograph: P.T. Barnum's Grave at Mountain Grove Cemetery
    1893-01-01 - 1893-12-31
    Photograph: Marina,
    Photograph: Stereoscopic Company photograph of older P.T. Barnum
    Photograph: Stereoview Photographs of Barnum's
    Photograph: Stratton and Warren in wedding reception clothes
    1863-01-01 - 1863-12-31
    Photograph: The Lilliputian Card Game (owned by the Barnum Museum)
    1863-01-01 - 1870-12-31
    Photograph: Thomas Ball Statue of P.T. Barnum in Seaside Park Bridgeport, 1894


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