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McCook, Anson T., 1881-1966

1881 to 1966
Anson (1881-1966) served in World War I as an infantry captain. He rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Reserves. As a child he was nicknamed Bo from Jumbo, the elephant. He was very bright and was valedictorian of his Trinity class of 1902. After graduating from Harvard Law School, Anson taught a year at the Cloyne School in Newport, Rhode Island before entering the New York Law firm of his brother, Philip. He returned to Hartford in 1907. He was first with the firm, Buck and McCook and then McCook, Kenyon and Bonee. While at Harvard, Anson joined the 8th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia as a private. By 1911, he signed up as a corporal in Troop B, 102nd Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard. He was the Republican candidate for mayor in 1922, but lost to Richard J. Kinsella. In 1922, Governor Charles A. Templeton named him as his executive secretary. Anson also served as State Treasurer. In 1934, he ran on the Republican ticket for Congress from the First District but was defeated. He was involved in many civic activities including the Hillstead Museum, Horace Bushnell Memorial etc. In 1957, he was awarded the Eigenbrodt Trophy by Trinity College, the highest award given a Trinity alumnus.

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