My Town My Story Logo

My Town My Story

My Town My Story Site Under Construction. Launch date: January 2025


Our mission is to preserve, share, and amplify the diverse histories of Connecticut's residents through digital community archives and a community-centered approach. Currently, we are in the design phase. We are reviewing our contribution forms and developing different parts of the website. Thank you for your interest in My Town My Story (MTMS). Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to contribute!

Development Partners

Development partners include three Connecticut libraries and organizations that work closely with their community and understand their community's need for a free, digital community archiving platform. Together, we consider the communities' needs at every step, including language and technological barriers. We aim to create an archival process that is accessible, engaging, and valuable to the people of CT. 

MTMS by the Numbers




Contributors from
Across Connecticut

0+ Images

0+ Videos

0+ Audio Recordings

0+ Documents

Funded by

Connecticut Humanities Logo: CT in brown, capital letters; humanities in blue, lowercase font.