The Memex Desktop, Build and Share Your Own Research

Introducing Memex* CTDA's way for you to gather and share your research in the CTDA. Combined with the Memex Search, Memex lets you create, save, and share a "workspace" of resources that you research and assemble in the workspace in front of you. Memex is still very much in the prototype stage, and enhancements and configurations will be added to make it more integrated as we develop it. We hope you enjoy this tool. Your reactions and comments are very much appreciated. 


Memex Search

Displaying 0 - 0 of 0

Type your search to find the iiif-manifest to paste into your Memex Desktop

Results will display here.




Basic Memex* Desktop Instructions (version 1.1)

These instructions are very basic, More detailed instructions will follow.

  1. Type a search in the search box above to get iiif manifests for your viewer. You may do new searches in the search form without losing your work. 
  2. Click on the "+" button on the top left of the Mirador viewer window
  3. Click on the "Add resource" button
  4. Paste the iiif manifest url that you copied in the resource location box and click add
  5. When the resource appears in the viewer above, click on it to activate it. 
  6. Click on a resource as many times as you like to open multiple instances of that resource onto the desktop
  7. Click on the "X"  in the top right corner of any window to close it
  8. To add more resources, click the "+" on the viewer window
  9. Add as many resources as you like. 

Other things you can do

  • Click on the segmented square on the left sidebar menu and choose full screen viewing
  • Click on the gear-->select workspace type and choose between "Mosaic" (default) and "Elastic" workspaces
  • Click on the three dots ". . ." to export your workspace and share it with others, or use it again later. 
    • Once you copy the workspace to the clipboard, save it to any text editor.
  • Clock on the three dots ". . ." to import a workspace onto your desktop by pasting the code into the workspace import box 
  • You can add a iiif manifest from ANY repository and view and share that resource in your Memex workspace along with content from the CTDA.

*Memex  is the term coined by Vannevar Bush in his 1945 article "As We May Think"  for a machine that enabled scholars to connect and share published works and "personal trails" across the sum of human knowledge.