Newspapers and Broadsides (CHI Civil War Featured Topic)

Among the communications outlets established to focus on the state's involvement in the conflict was the Connecticut War Record, a newspaper focused on news from the front and other war-related items. The Daily Advertiser and Weekly Farmer newspaper, whose editor was anti-abolitionist and favored peace with the South, represented views shared by many; its Bridgeport office was the target of attack by a pro-Union mob in 1861. Other sources of news and information were broadsides posted on walls--a form of mass communications that flourished before the age of electronic media. Those sampled here include announcements of Lincoln's election and the war's end, and a call for volunteers to the cavalry. To find more materials on these and other subjects related to Connecticut and the Civil War, use the topic headings within records to extend your searches—terms such as “United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865” (enclosing phrases in quotes). Use the facets lists to the left of the search results or add more terms to narrow your search—terms such as “secession” or “abolition*,” using an asterisk* to allow for singular or plural forms. Or search on the names of individuals or organizations. Exploring the collections or items to which individual items belong or of which they are a part can be another way to find more resources of interest.
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