World War II (CHI Featured Topics)

Like all Americans, Connecticut residents responded to the bombing of Pearl Harbor with shock and anger. Men rushed to enlist and provisions were made for civilian defense, including, for the first time, protection from possible air raids. The economy received a boost as war industries increased production. With large numbers of men serving in the armed forces, women joined the civilian labor force to fill their positions; a number of women also enlisted in the services. Many items became hard to get as supplies were routed to troops overseas. Rationing of fuel oil, gas, sugar and meat was imposed and victory gardens were planted. Morale remained high, in part because wartime prosperity contrasted sharply with the Depression of the preceding decade. To find more materials on these and other subjects related to World War II in Connecticut, use the topic headings within records to extend your searches—terms such as “World War (1939-1945)” or “World War, 1939-1945,” (enclosing phrases in quotes). Include more terms to narrow your search, such as “veteran” “soldier*,” “civil defense,” using an asterisk* to allow for singular or plural forms, or search on the names of individuals or organizations. Exploring the collections or items to which individual items belong or of which they are a part can be another way to find more resources of interest.
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