Interviews and Oral Histories (CHI Women's Suffrage Featured Topic)

Among these resources are a video interview with the authors of a children’s book about the battle of the Smith sisters of Glastonbury for rights, and transcripts of 1980-1981 interviews of women who were active in 20th-century Connecticut politics and their recollections of activities they or people they were connected with engaged in as part of the suffrage movement. Search within the transcripts by entering terms of interest, such as the last names of suffragists, or topical terms such as suffrage (search tip: to find all forms of a word, use an asterisk, for example, for “suffrage,”, or “suffragists” or “suffragettes,” enter “suffrag*”). The search will generally result in the term searched being highlighted on the relevant page or pages, to help you navigate to the information. To find more items related to women's suffrage in Connecticut, use the topic headings within records to extend your searches, or search by entering terms of interest--topical terms such "women's rights", or the names of suffragists, (search tip: enclose phrases in quotes, and use the "*" to find all forms of a word). Exploring the collections or items to which individual items belong or of which they are a part can be another way to find more resources of interest.
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