Spreadsheet Ingest - Updating Records

Last Updated, June 13, 2024.


If you have ingested content via spreadsheet only afterwards to discover that some records did not ingest or some field values were incorrect, you can update these records via the following process. This process will enable you to take content that you have ingested in the New CTDA and update each of the fields and/or resolve ingest issues for media and other issues that may have impacted numerous records in the ingest. Below are the steps to update these records post-ingest.

How to Fix an Ingest when Some/All Nodes Were Not Created

  1. From the Islandora Spreadsheet Page select name of the request for the previously conducted spreadsheet ingest you wish to update.
  2. From the Edit page, download the Target file (your .xlsx or .csv file)
  3. Within Microsoft Excel edit the records and save the file with the same name.
  4. From the Edit page, in the Target file area click Remove.
  5. From the Edit page, in the Target file area click Upload and navigate to the edited .xlsx or .csv file.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Next, click on the View tab along the top of the page.
  8. Click on the Migration group name
  9. Go to the Create nodes from rows in the csv. row and click the Execute button.
  10. On the following page select Import and then click the Execute button.
  11. Allow the system some time to go through and update these records and then you are all set.


How to Fix an Ingest when Some/All Media Files Were Not Imported

  1. From the Islandora Spreadsheet Page select name of the request for the previously conducted spreadsheet ingest you wish to update.
  2. From the Edit page, download the Target file (your .xlsx or .csv file)
  3. Within Microsoft Excel edit the records and save the file with the same name.
  4. From the Edit page, in the Target file area click Remove.
  5. From the Edit page, in the Target file area click Upload and navigate to the edited .xlsx or .csv file.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Next, click on the View tab along the top of the page.
  8. Click on the Migration group name
  9. Go to the Create files from rows in the csv. row and click the Execute button.
  10. On the following page select Import and then click the Execute button.
  11. Allow the system some time to go through and update these records and then you are all set.