Wolcott, Oliver, 1760-1833

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Displaying 1 - 50 of 121
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
Oliver Wolcott vs James Cook, 1810 New Haven County, County Court Cases, 1810-1819, Connecticut State Library 3730299
Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. correspondence with federal government, 1776-1793 Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Papers, 1753-1832, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 501853
Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Papers, 1753-1832 Manuscript Collections, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 170943
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from James Hillhouse, Josiah Quincy and others, 1801 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 14588
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: List of correspondents, 1802-1803 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1450182
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from William Davies, Uriah Tracy and others, 1800 December Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55420
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from William Bingham, Philemon Dickinson and others, 1799 October-November Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 203927
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Bushrod Washington, James Watson and others, 1800 August-September Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74144
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from William Bingham, Philemon Dickinson and others, 1799 July Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74113
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from George Cabot and others, 1800 January-June Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35933
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Uriah Tracy and others, 1799 October-December Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 187561
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from James Watson and otehrs, 1799 September Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 425449
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Benjamin Tallmadge and others, 1799 August Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74110
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Francis Otway Byrd and others, 1799 July Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 127583
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Applications for office, 1799 January-June Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74139
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Statements of Debt of the United States, 1795-1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 92180
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Henry Knox, David Humphreys and others, 1798 July-December Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 14581
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Pay Table and Comptroller records, 1775-1793 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 14577
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Circuit Court records and correspondence, 1801-1802 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 14591
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Awards and appointments, 1781-1819 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 154298
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letterbook, 1791-1794 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 584973
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Bank of the United States and Bank of America, 1805-1824 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 14578
Oliver Wolcott, JR. Papers: Army forage account, 1782 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35931
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from William Heth, Henry Knox and others, 1798 January-June Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 110011
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from William Heth, Elbridge Gerry and others, 1797 July-December Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 14580
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Daniel Stevens and others, 1797 January-June Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55412
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Timothy Dwight and others, 1796 July-December Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 187481
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Timothy Pickering and others, 1796 January-June Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 252767
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Jonathan Trumbull and others, 1773-1782 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 629747
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from James Seagrove and others, 1795 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35891
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from such individuals as Jeremiah Wadsworth and Timonty Dwight, 1794 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 110137
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Daniel Wadsworth and others, 1791-1796 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55396
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters and documents concerning relations with France, 1796-1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 127526
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Correspondence and documents concerning relations with France, 1796-1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74064
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Reports and confidential papers from the Treasury Department, ca. 1785-1793 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 154245
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters and documents concerning the Treasury Department, 1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 867564
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Correspondence and drafts of reports on treaties with Great Britain, 1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35886
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Drafts of reports, 1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 363593
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Draft of a report to the President, 1799-1814 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35881
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Proposal for raising a fund, 1799 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 203855
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Report on the expediency of keeping West Point, 1786 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 300885
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Documents from the Treasury Department, 1789-1813 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74073
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Comptroller's Office report, 1792, 1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 332348
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Depositions and interrogatories, 1800-1801 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 486739
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Benjamin Goodhue, 1793-1803 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 394452
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Wolcott, 1788-1825 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 92186
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from John Trumbull, 1789-1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 629736
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Lemuel Hopkins and Edward Jones, 1783-1795 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 109973
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Joel Barlow, 1792-1797 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 154244
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Joel Barlow, 1779-1791 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35879