Kiely, Arthur J., Jr.

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
Harry S. Truman with others on train platform, Union Station, Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 2612512
Businesses on Farmington Avenue, West Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 2025345
Businesses in Clark Building, Farmington Avenue, West Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 2153915
Businesses in West Hartford Center Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1680940
Looking East on Farmington Avenue, West Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1896361
Harry S. Truman speaking from a train platform, Union Station, Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Photographs (CHI Politics Featured Topic), Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 3556074
Harry S. Truman giving a speech from a train, Union Station, Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 2440117
Aerial view of Hartford from the west, Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1378056
Policeman at the corner of Farmington Avenue and Main Street, West Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 3170493
Aerial view of Main Street, Hartford Connecticut Images Collection, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 409912