Department of Public Utility Control

Displaying 1 - 50 of 105
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
2010 report to the legislature - electric rate differential DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 3631597
2010 report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 3474628
Petition of the Office of Consumer Counsel for DPUC docket on electric generation services, 2009 DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 321488
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, 2007 ... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 767971
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, 2006 ... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 619152
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, 2005 ... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 506169
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, 2003 ... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 1193170
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, 2002 ... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 1785100
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry, 2001 ... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry, Connecticut State Library 1338575
... report to the legislature on the state of competition in the electric industry Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Connecticut State Library 506172
DPUC monitoring the state of competition in the electric industry State Publications, Connecticut State Library 321491
Base Foundation - Title 16 - Public Service Companies 2017, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1896254
Base Foundation - Title 16a - Planning and Energy Policy 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3141520
Base Foundation - Title 16 - Public Service Companies 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1781055
Base Foundation - Administrative publication - Title 16 - Public Service Companies 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 109768
Base Foundation - Administrative publication - Title 16 - Public Service Companies 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2798014
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-333 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2053610
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16a-49 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3384394
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-8a 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2110738
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-8 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2883868
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-47a 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2769487
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-47 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1896251
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-46 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 347801
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-43 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1086707
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-3 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3098480
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-35 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3713184
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-345 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 999333
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-333i 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3498938
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-333f 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 599704
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-333e 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2297228
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-333b 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1479006
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-333 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3513299
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-331a 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1925016
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-32g 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2368421
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-32a 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1853246
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-304 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1738054
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-2 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2440015
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-27 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1363358
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-262m 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 316638
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-262j 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2096169
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-261 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 659299
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-258b 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1651832
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-250b 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1579809
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-247g 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 3141526
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-247d 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 524150
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-247c 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2110739
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-245d 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 137227
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-245c 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1680856
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-245a 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 554657
Subject Matter Supplement - Administrative publication - 16-245 2016, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 1838604