Hamilton, Alexander, 1755-1804

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
Correspondence with Alexander Hamilton, James Lovell, Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., and Eliphalet Dyer, 1777 June Joseph Trumbull Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 456362
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Correspondence and documents concerning relations with France, 1796-1800 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74064
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Documents relating to Baron von Steuben, 1776-1785 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 74083
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Alexander Hamilton, 1783-1793 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55361
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to and from Alexander Hamilton, 1791-1792 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55340
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters to Alexander Hamilton, 1789-1790 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 137405
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters and copies of letters from Alexander Hamilton, 1791 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35867
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters and documents from Alexander Hamilton, 1799-1803 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55334
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Alexander Hamilton, 1797-1798 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 35862
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Alexander Hamilton, 1796 August-December Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 55321
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Alexander Hamilton, 1796 January-June Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 203879
Oliver Wolcott, Jr. Papers: Letters from Alexander Hamilton, 1794-1795 Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 171089